We will try to explain the difference by comparison.
Epilation - hair removal procedure, which involves the complete elimination of the cover along with the root particles.
Depilation - the procedure for removing hair without a root, that is, only the part that is above the skin.
What are the main differences?
From Latinde + pilus "means" removal "and" hair ". The phrase "e + pilus" indicates the method of removal. Accordingly, the key difference between an epilator and a depilator is the mechanism of action on the hair. In the latter case, the operation of the device is based on the point destruction of the bulbs. The depilator, in turn, just cuts off the hair.
The differences relate not only to the effect on unwanted vegetation, but also in price. Budget depilation devices cost about 200 rubles. On good epilator at the same time you have to spend from 3,000 rubles. However, depilation can be implemented without much effort at home. Hair removal is usually carried out by professional cosmetologists.
Types of depilation devices

The category of depilatory includes a wide variety of different products and products. Naturally, different depilators differ from epilators and from each other in effectiveness. In addition, the difference lies in the cost and directly in the duration of the effect. Consider the main types:
- A razor is the easiest way to remove hair. The product is used everywhere, regularly, and does not need a special presentation;
- Cosmetics - various drugs, creams aimed at destroying hair. Please note that before use, you should consult a cosmetologist to find out if there is an allergy to a particular composition;
- Biological compounds are products made from wax and other sticky mixtures. In the process of their introduction, it is possible to remove the maximum hair. The lack of pain in the procedure.
- Electric depilators are devices that allow you to remove unwanted hair yourself, but with the likelihood of irritation.
Attention! During pregnancy, with diabetes and other complex diseases, it is better to refuse the procedure or consult a doctor!
What can an epilator do?

The main difference between an epilator and a depilator is that it allows you to remove hair rods immediately with follicles. In the course of several procedures (depending on the professionalism of the cosmetologist and the tool used), it is possible to completely destroy the bulb. Further, the place of the channel will grow together, and the need for repeated hair removal will disappear.
It should be noted that some instruments for hair removal can be operated at home. But with inept use, even best photoepilators and electroepilators pose a health hazard. Carefully read the instructions, and do not forget to visit the beautician.
Speaking of professional hair removal, as a rule, it is based on the use of laser devices, which in 1-2 sessions can completely remove unwanted vegetation.
Which is better to choose: depilator or epilator?

Due to the features and varieties of the described inventions, many users can not make a choice. If you do not know which epilator or depilator is better, consider:
- first inventions are more expensive;
- epilators have a longer effect. The end result is the complete removal of the bulbs, which is accompanied by the final cessation of hair growth;
- depilators can be used on their own, without worrying about the effectiveness of the work done;
- epilators provide for achieving the smoothest skin;
- Depilation, in the opinion of most specialists, is a less harmful procedure for health. But modern specialists and equipment minimize risks.
Remember, it's up to you! Share your opinion.