April 1, Xiaomi plans to introduce 20 new products at Aisin Buxin

news 30.03.2019 0 563

Do you already know that an event called Aisin Buxin will take place on April 1? As part of a major electronics festival, Xiaomi will surprise the public with its latest products. However, she already did it!

April 1, Xiaomi plans to introduce 20 new products at Aisin Buxin

The head of the company, Lou Weibing, said that the brand intends to throw guests with announcements - 20 presentations in just 55 minutes. Less than 3 minutes will go to the premiere of new items or updates. However, it is not completely clear what exactly the Chinese electronics manufacturer will please us with.

What to expect at Aisin Buxin?

What to expect at Aisin Buxin?

It is known that Weng Chuan will speak at a press conference. Currently, he holds the position of vice president of the company, is one of its founders and CEO of Xiaomi China. Details about all the devices that will be announced are not distributed. But, based on previous leaks, we can assume that we will see:

  1. New battery;
  2. Smart column;
  3. Smart glasses;
  4. Virtual reality helmet;
  5. A laptop;
  6. The new version of the smartphone Xiaomi Mi 9.

Probably one of the most grandiose discoveries will be a rocket.

Honestly, the announcement in 3 minutes sounds too suspicious. Especially when you consider the presentation of the rocket. However, expecting the premiere is not long.

Techno Rating » news »April 1, Xiaomi plans to introduce 20 new products at Aisin Buxin
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