Huawei is going to introduce a car with 5G

news 13.04.2019 2 644

From April 16 to April 25, the first automobile exhibition in the history of Huawei will be held in Shanghai. As part of this event, the electronics manufacturer plans to introduce a new car, the cost of which has not yet been announced.

Huawei is going to introduce a car with 5G

However, it is already known that the brand has entered into an agreement with Dongfeng and local Xianyang authorities to create and test cloud platforms. The fact is that “smart cars” will support 5G networks. This deal cost the Chinese manufacturer $ 450 million.

What is known about the Huawei machine

According to preliminary data, the new product will support Huawei cloud storage, an advanced integrated GPS system and an autopilot system. Can build suitable routes in seconds. In this case, users will be able to quickly find answers to their questions on the Internet through voice queries.

Recall that Huawei and Dongfeng have long planned to begin joint production. Representatives of both brands are convinced that this will be a fruitful cooperation. We will find out in the near future how this interaction will end.

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Comments (2)
To comment
  1. novel
    #1 novel Guests
    Well, the time has come for the merger of computers and cars. I wonder how the autopilot will act in case of loss of the Internet signal? I think this problem is relevant for all countries.
    1. guchixa
      #0 guchixa Chief editors
      Perhaps for this reason, Dongfeng’s capacities and experience were involved in the production


