Consider the main parameters of the best headphones for listening to music on your phone, given the characteristics, reviews and tips from experts. This will allow you to make the most right choice to meet your own needs.
Types of modern headphones

Due to the variety of “ear devices” it is quite difficult to decide on a suitable option. Classification of devices will help simplify the process. Currently, there are the following types of headphones for phones:
- Drip in the form of inserts;
- Vacuum plugs
- Consignment notes having fastening.
In this case, the devices can be equipped with a cable or function remotely. Speaking about how to choose wireless headphones, it should be added that all types differ in their advantages and disadvantages, due to the location of the speakers and the quality of other parameters.
Features of in-ear headphones

The main advantage of such headphones is their cost and dimensions. Due to the compact design, they easily fit into the ear of any user. Hold due to the force of elasticity, but periodically fall out. The main disadvantage is the poor quality of low frequency reproduction, which is also due to the small size of the membrane. Soundproofing leaves much to be desired. Choosing a headphone-droplet for your phone do not count on high sound quality. And the fact that phone manufacturers bundle their devices with them for free is proof of this. Please note that for some users they simply do not fit due to the irregular shape of the ears.
Features of vacuum models

This type of headphone has a more tight fixation of the speaker inside the ear canal. Such products have soft silicone nozzles, and are distinguished by better sound quality. Accordingly, they are also more expensive. The advantages include good sound insulation, reliability. If you choose inexpensive headphones for your phone, first of all, you should pay attention to this type of gadget. At the same time, experienced users recommend focusing on “intra-channels” with more powerful bass. As a rule, their production is occupied by premium brands, including Apple, AKG and Sony. Unfortunately, vacuum headphones also have a number of serious drawbacks - it is necessary to regularly clean and a serious strain on the ears.
A little bit about on-ear headphones

From the name it is clear that such products are completely laid on the ears. Thanks to the special mount, they are very comfortable to wear. You can count on high-quality sound, which is justified by the presence of a larger membrane. Sound insulation is achieved due to a snug fit through special fastening to the headband.A great choice for music lovers and gamers. The obvious advantages of these devices include high-quality insulation. They fit tightly, but are much more expensive than the above counterparts. First of all, this is due to the presence of a larger membrane and speakers.
There are also monitor headphones, but they are often used by true music lovers or gamers to listen to their favorite music or games on the computer.
Key Features
Of course, among the whole variety of goods it is difficult to decide on a purchase, focusing only on the brand and type of gadgets. To understand how to choose headphones for a phone with good sound, the following characteristics will help:
- frequency spectrum;
- sensitivity;
- maximum power;
- sound distortion level;
- impedance.
Of course, it’s not at all necessary to examine each parameter and go shopping with special equipment - it’s enough to understand what the indicated characteristics show. This will help to get an idea of the quality of the device by its label.
Optimum frequency range

When choosing headphones for a tablet or phone, keep in mind that the wider the frequency spectrum, the better the sound. Accordingly, the headphone membrane is wider. The human ear is capable of perceiving frequencies from 15 to 20 thousand Hz. Accordingly, devices with an indicator lower than optimal are not high-quality.
As for power, it should be borne in mind that the indicator can vary in the range from 1 to 5000 mW. The relationship is straightforward: the more, the louder. But, if the indicator is higher than permissible, the headphones will simply fail. For obvious reasons, inexpensive products with high power often break quickly.
Sensitivity and resistance
The first parameter of this category determines how loudly the sound will be heard. If you do not know how to choose good headphones for your phone, try to pay attention to products with a high-quality magnetic core. Keep in mind that the liners and gags have a small membrane, as well as an unprotected magnet, so there is no point in counting on good sensitivity. But at least 100 dB. The volume is achieved due to the proximity of the core to the ear.
Resistance should be considered according to which model you choose. For portable equipment, including phones, the indicator can be from 16 to 50 ohms. The higher, the more power is needed. However, the plugs cannot be equipped with a strong sound source. However, this characteristic is responsible for the purity of sound. Accordingly, for phones, you need to focus on gadgets with a resistance of 20 to 25 ohms.
Optimum sound distortion
The distortion level is checked as a percentage. It is not difficult to guess that the lower the indicator, the better the sound quality. Understanding how to choose good headphones will help understanding that distortion depends on weight. Optimal data:
- vacuum headphones - up to 30 g;
- inserts for the phone - up to 60 g;
- overhead - up to 200 grams.
Of course, if the gadget will be used as a headset for conversations, the weight may be more. But to listen to music and audio books should focus on the minimum level of distortion.
Tips for choosing a headphone for your phone

Now let's talk about what experts think about how to choose the right headphones to get good sound on their smartphone. First of all, experts recommend starting from the scope of the device:
- If not whimsical to sound quality - for portable devices you can use droplets or gags;
- If you run in the morning or appreciate the sound quality - you need gadgets with a good mount and a large membrane;
- If you like good bass and deep sound - focus on closed headphones that completely cover your ears.