Currently, semi-professional or professional ground metal detectors used by most miners to search for gold and coins are in greatest demand. For obvious reasons, we will not consider the types of detectors that are used by security and law enforcement agencies: arched, manual, pin-pointers.
Types of metal detectors

If you do not know how to choose a metal detector to search for valuable materials, you should first determine the type of activity. Conventionally, soil and underwater inventions are distinguished that differ in their intended purpose and characteristics. At the same time, the prices for these inventions can vary in wide ranges, due to the orientation of manufacturers to different users. More expensive equipment, focused on professionals, has a wide range of capabilities: from a soil scanner to detecting the size of objects at a depth of up to 1-1.5 meters. Cheap models for beginner metal seekers are suitable for detecting metals at a short distance and in the absence of interference.
Low cost ground metal detectors

We are talking about the cheapest and least optional devices that can not determine the type and depth of the metal found in the ground. In most cases, the limit of the functioning of devices is a mark of 60-70 centimeters. The advantages of this type of technology include the affordable price, a contrasting model range and small dimensions. Nevertheless, if you can not decide which one to choose a metal detector for searching for coins or gold, keep in mind that this option will not work. Their scope is very narrow, as the devices are susceptible to interference and noise. The cost varies in the range from 5,000 to 15,000 rubles.
Semi-professional analogues
A distinctive feature of such devices is the support of more frequencies. They are intended for users who already have experience in operating metal detectors. Typically, in such inventions, the signal is displayed. The cost starts from 15 thousand rubles. Most semi-professional coin search models operate at depths of up to 1.5 meters. Some gadgets can determine the type of metal detected, which is quite convenient at the initial stages of the development of this technique. However, special skills for the operation of such devices are not required.
Professional ground

The most expensive inventions that are designed for use by professionals.If you are not sure which metal detector to choose for gold search, we recommend that you consider models that cost from 100,000 rubles. Such devices are equipped with their own processor, which allows you to use several operating modes, adapt to specific operating conditions and soil type. The advantage of professional gold miners is the ability to customize the search to the frequency of non-ferrous metals. The signals are displayed in different formats: from sound to displaying the image on the screen. There is enough power to search for coins and gold at a depth of up to 2-3 meters. The disadvantage is the difficulty in mastering the work.
Underwater Metal Detectors

Visually, such devices practically do not differ from professional soil analogues. The only difference is that underwater metal detectors are able to withstand high pressure and detect valuable metals under water. Benefits:
- ignoring interference in the water;
- sealed enclosure;
- immersion under water to a significant depth;
- simplicity in operation.
A serious drawback lies only in the high cost of devices - from 80 to 300 thousand rubles. At the same time, functionality is limited, due to the intended use of the devices.
When choosing an underwater metal detector, judging by customer reviews, the key parameter is the depth of detection of objects. However, regardless of the type of device, due consideration should be given to technical specifications.
The main parameters of metal detectors
When thinking about how to choose a metal detector to search for coins or gold, the first thing you should pay attention to is the quality of the discriminator. Using this element, the device classifies finds into groups. Specialists distinguish two types of information display scales: digital (VDI) and graphic. In this case, the key factor when choosing a discriminator is the number of settings. Each of them is called a mask. By setting the parameter, the user receives an appropriate response when a certain group of metals is detected. Some models are initially programmed with a number of masks. For beginners, these devices are the best choice. Specialists can independently configure the mask to search for relics or other purposes. The main thing is that the model involves such a setting, that is, it is equipped with a functional discriminator.
Static mode selection
Pinpoint - a function responsible for accurate target detection. The presence of this option greatly simplifies the excavation of gold or other precious metals. Without the presence of a function, it is almost impossible to dig at a significant depth of finds that are small in size, including jewelry, coins, etc. With the advent of the pinpoint, the tasks of treasure hunters have become much simpler, because it’s enough to spend over the place with the presence of metal, and you will hear a signal. Advanced models not only notify about the presence of the proposed object, but also display information about the depth of the target, its size.
Gold and Coin Detection Depth

The quality of the coil is responsible for this parameter. If you do not know how to choose a good metal detector, keep in mind that the cost of this component can be from 50 to 100% of the price of the entire device. Moreover, the detection depth depends not only on the quality of a particular model, but also on the dimensions of the target. For example, an old helmet with a good dirt detector can be found at a distance of up to 1 meter. When choosing the specified item, consider:
- Depth depends on the dimensions of the coil;
- The better the coil, the easier it is to find the composition of the find;
- Waterproof coils are more durable than analogs.
Thus, the choice of this type of technique depends on many factors. If you do not have experience in operating this equipment do not rush to purchase expensive models. If you already liked a certain model, carefully read the reviews from other users. Good luck