Maximum load top kitchen scales varies in the range of 2 to 5 kilograms. The maximum error in this case should be no more than 10 grams. But it is better when the value is 0.1 g - even jewelers use such models.
Types of Kitchen Scales

Of course, electronic models are currently in the greatest demand. However, it does not always make sense to overpay for high accuracy, if the device is planned to be used to weigh the country harvest, fishing catch, etc. Therefore, we will consider different types of kitchen scales, and you have already decided which ones you need:
- Manual scales - are mechanical and electronic. In the second case, they are equipped with a liquid crystal display and operate on batteries. Steelyards are often used by market workers to weigh crops, although they are not difficult to find in everyday life. The most powerful models are designed for loads up to 50 kg. Kitchen counterparts up to 10 kg. Can show measurements in kilograms, pounds and ounces;
- Mechanical - inexpensive models, the error of which, as a rule, is from 25 to 100 grams. Such devices are less capricious to operating conditions, do not need to use batteries, support a load of up to 10 kg. However, mechanical kitchen scales are chosen for rough weighing. In fine cooking and calorie counting, they are useless;
- Electronic scales are the most common type of device that allows not only to accurately weigh products, but also to calculate the content of proteins, carbohydrate fats.
For obvious reasons, we will consider the selection criteria for the latter type of devices.
Weight management
Electronic devices can operate on mains, battery or batteries: pinky, finger, tablet batteries. The longest are lithium batteries, whose service life is up to 10 years. In rare cases, models operating on alkaline sources with a power of up to 9 watts are found on the market.
Management, in turn, can be touch or button. The second option is cheaper, but not as convenient as we would like. At the same time, models with a touch panel do not accumulate dirt and look more aesthetically pleasing.
If you do not know how to choose a good kitchen scale, you can pay attention to the models with a built-in screen on which grams are displayed. Display sizes can vary from 30 to 79 mm. It is advisable that it slide into the housing, which will avoid damage.
Construction and materials

There are models with a bowl and a flat platform. In the first case, the taring function is implemented immediately, that is, the mass of the capacity is not taken into account. As for the material of the flat base, it can be made of steel, glass, wood and plastic. Some models are combined, that is, several types of materials are implemented at once. Naturally, the most reliable platform is steel. Plastic is neither practical nor durable. Glass is subject to mechanical damage, but it does not absorb odors and is not afraid of acids.In general, it should be based on financial opportunities.
Tips for choosing a kitchen scale

As for additional features, their diversity is growing every day. We will try to consider the most basic and useful options so that you can choose the right kitchen scales based on your needs:
taring - allows you to get the net weight of products without regard to capacity;
- automatic shutdown;
- timer;
- built-in memory - allows you to summarize the nutritional values of products;
- dumping the mass of the bowl;
- unit selection.
Please note that additional options have a significant impact on the final cost of the product.
What to look for?
Finally, we want to draw your attention to a number of useful recommendations for choosing a kitchen scale for the home:
- If you decide to buy a model with a mechanical control, it is better to consider options with rubber buttons, as they last longer;
- Regardless of the type of device, it is important that there are rubberized legs to prevent slipping on the table;
- It is very convenient if the scales are equipped with a heat-resistant base, so that they can also be used as a stand for hot dishes;
- Do not install the scales near the microwave, as a powerful electromagnetic field can damage the accuracy of their measurements;
- Do not wash the balance under water, it is better to just wipe it with a rag.
We hope this is enough, and you will be able to choose the best model for your needs. Good luck