You can familiarize yourself with our rated subwooferto simplify your task, but first we recommend that you consider the main parameters of the equipment, and what you should pay attention to when buying. We also pay due attention to reviews and recommendations from professionals.
Subwoofer Sizes

For everyday use in cars use subwoofers from 8 to 18 inches. More rare examples include models with a basket size of 6.5, 21, 23 inches. When choosing a subwoofer for a car, it is important to pay attention to the ratio of the size of the moving part to the magnetic system. The smaller the first element, the higher the colony of the moving part. Accordingly, there will be no delays in the bass beat. Therefore, small-sized models are more focused on fast, moving music. If the moving part is more than 15 inches, then it is difficult for the magnetic system to push it, and delays in reproducing bass beats will be more significant. However, the larger the diffuser, the louder the subwoofer, since it creates more sound pressure.
Therefore, the sizes must be chosen taking into account which musical material you will play. A compromise caliber in this case is 12 inches - for music lovers. It is also necessary to consider how much free size is in the trunk. If you buy a 20-inch model, but there is enough space only for installing a case of 15 inches, you simply cannot unleash the full potential of the speaker - the efficiency will correspond to the work of the 15-inch speaker.
Main characteristics
- Performance - Each model has maximum and rated power. The first indicates the potential that the subwoofer can realize without breaking, but it is not used constantly, so it should not be taken into account. Rated power - the true efficiency of reproducing clear sound without distortion. When choosing a subwoofer for a car, pay attention to this particular characteristic. The optimal indicator is from 150 to 300 watts, depending on the cost.
- Sensitivity is the sound pressure measured in dB. The more sensitive the speaker has, the better;
- Resonance frequency is an optimal indicator from 25 to 35 Hz. High frequency for car subwoofer;
- Equivalent air volume - the value depends on the stiffness of the suspension and the diameter of the diffuser.
Active or passive subwoofer?

Currently, there are active and passive subwoofers, the cost of which is significantly different. This is due to design features:
- active subwoofer - in addition to the speaker has a built-in amplifier. To install such a device, you only need to run the cable under the casing. The rated power of such a device can vary in the range of 80 watts. Advantage in easy installation, ready assembly. You do not have to buy and connect an amplifier separately. The downside is that such products are standard. And to create a good speaker system, you need to take into account features - the size of the trunk, what kind of music do you prefer to listen to;
- passive subwoofer - not equipped with an amplifier.To connect it, you will have to buy an element taking into account your interests and free space in the car. The power of the amplifier is selected taking into account the performance of the subwoofer. When choosing a passive subwoofer, amplifiers from 300 to 400 watts are usually used.
Tips for choosing a subwoofer for a car

Even by the beginning of 2019, 4-coil models are not often found. Mostly have 1 or 2 coils. The method of installing and connecting the amplifier depends on their number. The more coils, the correspondingly more mounting options for the subwoofer.
Another important parameter is the diameter of the voice coil. Basic: 2.5, 3 and 4 inches. The higher the value, the better. You should also pay attention to the material of the wire - copper or aluminum. The first option is better because it dissipates heat more efficiently. Why do you need to know this? The clarity of the bass depends on the weight of this component. However, the smaller the voice coil, the lower the power. Therefore, it is better to choose a subwoofer with a 3-inch coil made of copper.
Also, you should know that the best solutions today are sold without registration, that is, you get the speaker itself. Why is this done? Because you can unlock the potential when taking into account certain conditions: an amplifier, musical material, a place in the trunk.