Best notebooks to study in 2020
The intention of parents to acquire convenient, but inexpensive portable equipment for study is easy to understand, and indeed games should not harm the learning process. Fortunately, today in ...

Best laptops for 2020
For many people, a laptop is the main tool for financial extraction. And just as a lumberjack needs a good ax, so does a programmer, author, or sales manager ...

Best laptops to work 2019
What characteristics should have a modern laptop designed for office tasks, working with graphics or performing other work tasks? We suggest finding out ...

Best notebooks to study 2019
Not always there is a need to chase modern standards, buying a laptop with a premium graphics card, processor and monitor with 4K support. Sometimes necessary ...

The best gaming laptops of 2019
It would seem that more recently gaming laptops did not differ in a variety of modifications. To get into any top, it was enough to have a powerful processor like Core i7, RAM in the amount of ...

The best laptops up to 30,000 rubles in 2018
Choosing a laptop from 20 to 30 thousand rubles, for sure, each user expects to get the most powerful product with which you can not only work, but also ...

The best gaming laptops of 2018
Gaming laptop - a portable computer designed to interact with video games. As a rule, such products are distinguished by a better graphics device, ...

The best study laptops of 2018
In choosing a laptop for study, power is far from the most important evaluation criterion. It is important to consider the quality of the Wi-Fi module, the usability of the device, ...

Best laptops to work 2018
A laptop is a portable PC, including its main components, but in a reduced form. In other words, we are talking about a portable alternative to a personal computer that ...