It would be wrong to say that among the entire diversity of technology there are universal models that are the best. In reality, there are good models, and we put together heater rating, after reading this article, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with them. Our task now is to explain what criteria should be paid attention to and why. To do this, let's talk about inertia, power, control, safety and types of devices. In addition, we will consider the most important functions so that you can purchase a suitable model in the price / quality ratio.
Types of domestic heaters

Fan heater - a budget heater that heats the air due to a hot metal spiral and a fan that drives air through it. The heat in the room becomes fast enough, but when the device is turned off, it also quickly gets cold. If you decide to choose a fan heater for heating the house, keep in mind that its heating element burns oxygen and household dust. This leads to a specific odor. Therefore, it is necessary to focus on models with a ceramic element, which are devoid of this drawback. The advantages of this type of technology include the heating rate and compact dimensions. A clear minus is the noise level. The cost varies in the range from 600 to 3000 rubles.
Convector heater

The principle of operation of this technique is based on physics of class 6: cold air enters the device from below, heats up in the housing and exits from above, rising to the ceiling. This ensures uniform heating of the room throughout its territory. When choosing a convector heater, keep in mind that the vast majority of models are not able to quickly provide the room with heat. Exceptions are devices equipped with a fan. At the same time, there are built-in and simple devices. The first installation option looks aesthetically pleasing, but transferring the device to different rooms, of course, will not work. Another type of convector heaters involves legs, but has a less thoughtful design, and burns oxygen. Therefore, it is important that the device is equipped with a tube with a large number of ribs. This design allows you to reduce the heating temperature of the housing to 60C.
Oil heater

This type of heating equipment is somewhat reminiscent of the principle of battery operation. The heating element increases the temperature of the coolant with which the appliance is filled. Heat is transferred to the body of the device, after which the air in the room is heated. When choosing an oil heater, do not count on a high room heating rate. Before the room becomes warm, it may take 30 to 45 minutes. Its advantage is the level of inertness - it cools for a very long time, so the comfortable temperature in the house lasts longer than when using analogues. In addition, such devices do not burn dust, so they do not emit any odors.
Infrared heaters

This type of equipment appeared on the market relatively recently, so many buyers are concerned about them. Their principle of operation is to generate radiation that does not heat air, but objects located in the apartment. At the same time, the device differs in small weight and dimensions. Therefore, it can be installed both on the ceiling and on a fixed leg. But there are also features. When choosing an infrared heater, pay attention to the angle of diffusion of the rays. The fact is that the range of radiation is limited. Therefore, the effect of the work is minimal. It is better to buy models in the form of ceramic plates. They are not only more effective, but also beautiful. At the same time they are resistant to moisture.
What to look for when buying a heater for the home?

According to the Ministry of Emergencies, about 40,000 fires occur every year due to heaters. At the same time, about 3,000 citizens of the Russian Federation die. Naturally, the main reason is the improper use of heating equipment. Therefore, this issue must be given due attention:
- In no case do not dry laundry with a heater;
- Lattices should always be open;
- You can not leave this technique unattended.
As for the choice of a safe heater for an apartment, convection models due to the natural air circulation are considered the most reliable. The second place in the specified parameter is occupied by metal oil devices, but there is a possibility of burns. Judging by numerous reviews, infrared devices cause headaches if you are under direct exposure to rays for a long time. And the most dangerous are the fans or fan heaters.
Type of control

Currently, there are also electronic controlled mechanical heaters on the market. The former are considered the simplest and at the same time reliable. However, their functionality is limited. Models equipped with an electronic panel include more options, right down to the programming function. A useful addition is the remote control, with which you can control the process of heating the house without getting up from the couch. As for the number of buttons and options, it all depends on the cost of the model.
Power calculation
Many believe that the larger and more sections the heater has, the more efficient it will be. This is the wrong approach. If you do not know how to choose a heater for an apartment or a house, first find out what kind of device you need. It is necessary to build on the area of the living space, with the expectation that for every square meter 100 watts of power are needed. For example, for a house with an area of 20 m2, a 20 kW heater is needed. And you should not save on this parameter, because there will be constant heat loss, and a low-power device will take longer to heat up. As a result, you only overpay for electricity.
Additional functions
If you do not know how to choose the right heater for your home or apartment, pay due attention to the security system. It is important that the appliance is equipped with protection against overheating and tipping over. It will add convenience in using a timer that will turn off the device when the required air temperature is reached. If you plan to purchase a device for installation in the bathroom, make sure that there is moisture protection. Another important additional feature is parental control.
We hope this guide will be enough for you to be able to choose a heater that is reliable and efficient enough to heat your apartment or home. Good luck, friends, and be healthy!