We will consider the main parameters for the acquisition of household types of tools. Such devices are suitable for cosmetic, major repairs, construction of simple structures, no more.
What can the laser level do?

The scope of this invention is quite extensive: from topographic surveys to marking the site. In construction, these products are used to tie the drawings to the terrain, measure horizontal and vertical planes. Accordingly, filling the foundation, installing ceilings, roofs is not complete without them. Given that the quality of construction depends on the accuracy of the measurements described, the choice of laser levels should be treated with maximum responsibility.
During repairs, especially in the framework of internal finishing operations, appliances are even more in demand. Such products are used to:
- smooth plaster;
- to lay the base of the floors;
- make screeds;
- install a bath, window openings, doors, suspended, suspended ceilings;
- put tiles, dock drawings, etc.
This list is not final. We have just given a small number of tasks that are difficult to implement without the invention.
Types of laser levels

The main difference between the different levels is the beam generation method. When figuring out which level to choose, consider:
- Point - project a point on the opposite plane. Such products are great for mounting beacons or installing markers. On their basis, surface alignment is carried out;
- Positional - more expensive devices designed to build vertical, cruciform and horizontal lines;
- Rotational laser levels - create a pulsating beam with which you can recreate a point image of an object. Such products are used for thin, highly specialized repair operations.
Specialists also classify types of levels according to their purpose: domestic, semi-professional, professional. For finishing work, the simplest models are used. For overhaul, construction of small facilities linear analogues are suitable. For a complete task cycle, it is important that the device is equipped with additional functions. At the same time, rotational models (professional) are attracted not only by the number of options, but also by the range of work, up to 250 meters.
Often in the category of laser levels ranked rangefinders. Of course, such a device is similar to the principle of operation, but its main task is to determine the length of the beam, and not to build planes.
Key selection criteria

Speaking about how to choose a laser level for the home, first of all, you should build on the scope of the device. For repairs in an apartment or house, it is enough that the radiation angle is 110 degrees, and the working range is at least 30 meters.Such accuracy is enough to complete the finishing work.
For the construction of a cottage or annex, it is worth considering buying a rotational laser level, which has a wider scope. In doing so, the following criteria must be considered:
- the number of supported planes - for solving everyday problems it is enough that the model provides for a cross-shaped construction;
- turning off an unnecessary plane is a useful function aimed at simplifying work with the device and saving battery power;
- projection alignment method - automatic is much more effective than manual, regardless of user experience;
- warning about a malfunction - the device indicates an error in creating a projection by means of an audio signal or by blinking a beam, depending on the type of model;
- working range - when performing outdoor work, it is important that the maximum rate is higher;
- laser classification - for household needs, the best option is the second class, which does not require the use of special safety glasses for the operation of the device;
- Auto power off is a good feature to save battery.
Additional functions

Deciding how to choose a laser level for the home is often helped by additional features of models that have approximately the same cost. In this case, pay attention to the ease of use of the device. Modern home models may vary:
- The color of the image of the beam on the surface - best of all, judging by customer reviews, is perceived by the eyes as green;
- The presence / absence of a remote control is not a mandatory addition, but convenient enough if a major overhaul is planned;
- The quality of the tripod - with its help, you can adjust the direction of the plane more smoothly;
- Complete set - some manufacturers are additionally pleased to equip their products with special monochrome glasses, which simplifies the process of operating the device in sunlight;
- By the type of signal - it is desirable that the model supports an audio signal.
Thus, choosing a laser level, you should not focus solely on the accuracy of construction and the range of the device, because modern devices have good performance, regardless of price. The cost of brand names is much higher not because of the quality of the signal, but because the models are durable and have more functions.