Such a technique consists of a work surface, a control panel, a cabinet, an oven and a drying chamber. We will get acquainted with all the basic structural elements so that you can purchase the highest quality equipment. We also recommend to study our gas stove rating, and customer reviews about your favorite model.
Working surface

Perhaps we will start by choosing a grate for a gas stove. They are of two types: steel and cast iron. Experts advise buying the second option, because they retain their aesthetic appearance longer. Over time, white deposits appear on steel gratings due to enamel burning, and they do not look too presentable.
Comparing gas and electric stove, we have already said that in choosing this technique the type of hob is of great importance. It is made in both cases from the following materials:
- Enamel - heat-resistant, has resistance to heat, attracts with affordable cost. But this type of surface suggests certain difficulties associated with removing soot from food. At the same time, it is easy to leave a chip from a punch;
- A stainless steel is an inexpensive option that can be used with any household cleaning products. Models with such a coating are more reliable, and are equipped with a matte or polished layer. The first option is more expensive and better;
- Ceramic coating - heat-resistant glass, coated with a top layer of a metal base, has better wear resistance to mechanical and thermal loads. At the same time, plates with such a surface are easy to wash.
Varieties of burners

Another element of the working surface is the burners, which can be installed from 2 to 6 units, depending on the application. If you don’t know how to choose a good gas stove for your home - focus on expensive models of famous brands, the burners of which give fire from 2-3 circles with a power of 1600 to 1800 watts. They are designed to heat Wok pans with a rounded bottom. There are also combined designs in the form of a double, triple burner, each ring of which is regulated separately. It is convenient enough for ultrafast heating of food. Also, sometimes there are burners in the form of triangles or an oval, which also serve as supports for dishes. In such models of gas stoves there are no gratings.
Which oven to choose a gas stove?

Another common question is which gas stove is better: with gas or electric oven? It is important to consider several factors. To begin with, there are three types of ovens:
- Gas - a common option, which provides for uneven heating. In such an oven it is impossible to withstand the temperature, for example, at 180 degrees. She will constantly jump. Models running on this type of fuel are equipped with a small number of programs and functions. However, they are more economical and are initially cheaper;
- Electric is the best option, according to experts, due to the uniform heating of the surface, the presence of a timer, and the quality of baking. However, such ovens are more expensive and you will have to pay more for electric energy.
- Combined - the bottom is gas, and the top is electric. Thus, such models provide for uniform heating and temperature distribution. The problem is overpriced.
As for additional features, choose a technique based on financial capabilities. For example, some users are willing to overpay 3-5 thousand rubles for the presence of a grill. As practice shows, units use this option, but there are a huge number of such additions, and you decide. Please note that the larger the volume of the oven, the longer the food will be prepared, and you will have to pay more for utilities.
Important Oven Features
Regardless of the type of oven, it is important to pay attention to a number of nuances: the quality of the door, internal materials, additional functions. When choosing a gas stove with an oven, note that its volume affects the cooking time. In addition, the larger the camera, the more you will have to pay for utilities. Doors can be sliding with baking sheets or opening. Judging by the reviews, the first option is more convenient. Moreover, the greater the thickness of the window, the less the door heats up. You should also pay attention to the quality of the materials of the inner chamber. The presence of a heat-insulating plate indicates that the kitchen set located next to the stove will not heat up and carbonize, even if you installed the equipment close to the furniture. Relatively useful oven options, these include: “Plus” - a door lock system and “Skewer” - for uniform frying.
Advice from experts on choosing a gas stove

For effective heating, many users use all sorts of "grandfather ways" to maintain a uniform temperature. In order to avoid premature wear, do not experiment, laying bricks, etc. It is better when choosing a gas stove with an oven to purchase a model with an upper burner. This will allow you to achieve maximum efficiency regardless of the type of source used. Please note that stoves with an electric oven must be connected to a separate outlet if you live in an old apartment building.
Additional features for the stove
Each manufacturer is trying to attract customers with interesting features and additions. When choosing a gas stove, you are likely to come across options such as "making pizza" and others. You should know that in 99.9% of cases they are useless, that is, the oven works as standard. Therefore, we will consider only the most important and really useful features.
For security reasons, many experts recommend buying gas stoves with a gas control function, which can apply not only to burners, but also to the oven. This option is responsible for shutting off the gas supply if the flame stops burning. For example, if the wind blew or there are children at home who like to twist their hands.
- Electric ignition - installed in almost all modern models. Responsible for creating a spark for igniting a flame.
- Convection - is responsible for the uniform heating of food in the oven due to the uniform distribution of heat by air.
- A timer is a useful feature, especially for an oven. Allows you to turn off the flame after cooking.
We hope this guide is enough for you to be able to decide on the best option for yourself.